What is the name of your company and where are you located?
Lott Industries, Inc. - 3350 Hill Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43607
What is your name and role at your company?
Tim Menke - CEO
What is your company’s mission or core values?
Mission - To empower people with barriers to employment, transform businesses, and enhance our community.
Core Values – Everyone has the right to live a life of greater independence and we help people on their journey.
What services do you offer or products do you manufacture?
We provide light assembly and kitting, inspection, rework, packaging, warehousing, etc. We manufacture (value add) Highway Safety Equipment. We also provide document destruction and Styrofoam recycling services.
What market does your company serve?
We serve a variety of industries from the solar industry, to the chemical industry, to the automotive industry, to the partition industry, to the trucking industry, and many more.
What is unique about your company?
We not only provide quality and expedient assembly services, but we do it while providing vocational training to adults with developmental disabilities.
How many individuals are employed at your company?
Lott currently employs approximately 175 people.
What job positions are hardest to fill and where can someone apply?
We have been fortunate to fill positions quickly. Applications are available online at www.lottserves.org.
What does your company do to boost employee retention, show employee appreciation, or improve employee engagement?
We have a family like environment at Lott and have been named a Top Work Place in Toledo for 6 consecutive years.
What do you find the most challenging at your company?
Finding consistent contract work. We are looking for long-term partners with projects that provide a steady work load for our employees.
What do you like most about your company?
We operate like a Fortune 500 company while providing a meaningful service to our community.
What has been your favorite project at your company?
We value all of our customers and appreciate every project we are blessed to complete.
Do you have plans for expansion in the future?
Yes, we are always looking for new partnerships and projects to help provide quality training and employment opportunities.
Why have you decided to join NOMA?
Contacts and industry knowledge.
Who can I contact for more information about your company?
Tim Menke 419-276-4658 or Ken Ball 419-346-1853.
Lott Industries, Inc. - 3350 Hill Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43607
What is your name and role at your company?
Tim Menke - CEO
What is your company’s mission or core values?
Mission - To empower people with barriers to employment, transform businesses, and enhance our community.
Core Values – Everyone has the right to live a life of greater independence and we help people on their journey.
What services do you offer or products do you manufacture?
We provide light assembly and kitting, inspection, rework, packaging, warehousing, etc. We manufacture (value add) Highway Safety Equipment. We also provide document destruction and Styrofoam recycling services.
What market does your company serve?
We serve a variety of industries from the solar industry, to the chemical industry, to the automotive industry, to the partition industry, to the trucking industry, and many more.
What is unique about your company?
We not only provide quality and expedient assembly services, but we do it while providing vocational training to adults with developmental disabilities.
How many individuals are employed at your company?
Lott currently employs approximately 175 people.
What job positions are hardest to fill and where can someone apply?
We have been fortunate to fill positions quickly. Applications are available online at www.lottserves.org.
What does your company do to boost employee retention, show employee appreciation, or improve employee engagement?
We have a family like environment at Lott and have been named a Top Work Place in Toledo for 6 consecutive years.
What do you find the most challenging at your company?
Finding consistent contract work. We are looking for long-term partners with projects that provide a steady work load for our employees.
What do you like most about your company?
We operate like a Fortune 500 company while providing a meaningful service to our community.
What has been your favorite project at your company?
We value all of our customers and appreciate every project we are blessed to complete.
Do you have plans for expansion in the future?
Yes, we are always looking for new partnerships and projects to help provide quality training and employment opportunities.
Why have you decided to join NOMA?
Contacts and industry knowledge.
Who can I contact for more information about your company?
Tim Menke 419-276-4658 or Ken Ball 419-346-1853.